Monday, November 14, 2011

Electric Superman

Electric Superman The 10 Lamest Superhero Costume Changes Ever Comics & Anime picture
“Hey, lets take the world’s most famous Super hero, strip him of everything that makes him an iconic, recognizable symbol around the globe, and instead put him in a light blue and white one piece. And no cape either. Oh, and we’ll give him lame electric powers that are barely worthy of a second string Spider-Man villain like Electro. Any objections?”

Not sure what the H**l DC was smoking that day, but if there is one Super Hero costume you don't f**k with, it is the Big Red S. This stupid outfit lasted for a whole year, meaning that someone's first (and last?)

Superman comic had him wearing this stupidity. Of course, we all knew Classic Supes would be back eventually, but why prolong the inevitable for so long?

And with something so lame as this? We may never know why, but Electric Blue Superman's lameness shoots him to the top of this list.

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